1. The circuit shown above is composed of an ideal 10 V battery, three resistors and three capacitors with the values shown, and an open switch S. . The capacitors are initially uncharged. Switch S is now closed.
(a) Calculate the current through R1 immediately after switch S is closed.
Switch S has been closed for a long time, and the circuit has reached a steady state.
(b) Calculate the potential difference across R1 .
(c) i. Calculate the charge stored on the positive plate of capacitor C2.
ii. Is the charge stored on capacitor C3 greater than, less than, or equal to the charge stored on capacitor C2 ?
_____Greater than _____ Less than _____ Equal to
Justify your answer.
Switch S is then opened.
(d) i. Determine the current through R1 immediately after the switch is opened.
ii. Calculate the current through R2 immediately after the switch is opened.
(e) On the axes below, sketch a graph of the potential difference V across capacitor C2 as a function of time t if switch S is opened at time t = 0. Label the maximum value.
Capacitor C3 is replaced by two 10 μF capacitors connected in series, switch S is closed, and the circuit reaches equilibrium. Switch S is then opened at time t = 0.
(f) For t > 0, would the sketch of a graph of the new voltage across C2 as a function of time be above, below, or the same as the sketch for part (e) (e) ?
_____ Above _____ Below _____ The same
Justify your answer.